Firefly Sales Consulting

Advertising Options for Retailers 2021 Vs. 2019

Advertising Options

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an almost overnight closure of retail stores and the opening of a remote working model for most businesses. Ecommerce retailers are now facing more pressure than ever as they see unprecedented demand in online orders. In addition, since there are so many online stores to choose from, ecommerce businesses need […]

Leveraging the WebP Image Optimization for Magento 2

WebP Image Optimization

Do you know that images that are not optimized can slow down a website? If your website does not load properly in less than 3 seconds, 50% of your website visitors will leave. Hence, it is vital for every ecommerce store to make sure its images are properly optimized so that it does not lose thousands […]

ADA Compliance for E-Commerce Retailers: Why Is It Necessary?

ADA Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990, to increase access and provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities. For retailers, this law extended not just to brick-and-mortar stores but also to digital properties, including ecommerce stores and mobile apps. Today, big name retailers like Amazon, Target, and eBay have […]