Firefly Sales Consulting

Is Your Site Vulnerable? Website Security Issues For Magento 2

Vulnerabilities in Magento 2

Magento 2 is one of the most popular e-commerce software, and about 250,000 merchants worldwide use this technology. If you have a Magento store, it is crucial that you pay attention to the security, updates, and maintenance of your website so that it performs optimally for your customers — otherwise, you risk losing a lot of traffic.

While Magento 2 comes with many built-in security features, you need to use best practices to ensure consumer data remains safe from cyberthreats.

Since Magento is open-source software, the owner is the one who has to bear the burden of keeping their site safe under its Shared Responsibility model. Hence, many e-commerce sites may be at risk during the time when a new security patch is released, and the owner actually installs it. In addition, if your system isn’t updated, it may be vulnerable to attacks.

Here are some security issues seen with Magento 2 ecommerce sites:

Server Attacks

If you have an e-commerce site that is hosted under your control, you will have to ensure it is protected from distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks. DDOS can jam your server with traffic and disrupt the operations of your e-commerce site. This can be very harmful since you can lose thousands of customers for every minute your website is down.

Website Defacement

Website defacement involves hackers breaking your server and replacing your website with a defaced one or deleting the files of your website. These vulnerabilities can be a result of third-party integrations or the like.

Defacement, of course, can ruin a  brand’s reputation if the e-commerce owner does not detect it immediately. If your customers realize your site is not secure, they will not risk handing over their payment information to you.

Credit Card Hijacking

Credit card hijacking is when a customer’s credit card is used without authorization. In Magento 2, this can happen when an attacker gains access to a customer’s payment data through their shopping cart by injecting malicious JavaScript coding into the software system.

The biggest danger for credit card skimming for Magento customers is that it can remain undetected for a long time and increasingly compromises the security of the payment information. Losing your customer’s info and letting hijackers steal from them is the quickest way to lose customers.

Remote Code Execution

In 2020, the Center for Internet Security reported that multiple vulnerabilities in Magento could be exploited to enable remote code execution, which allows malicious hackers to run unverified and unauthorized code on your e-commerce store. This allows them to install unauthorized programs or change or delete your data, as well as create accounts with full user rights.


Botnets are a network of computers that run bots that have been infected with malware. These botnets can carry out malicious activities like phishing and sending spam emails from your email address to millions of other users. This can eliminate customer trust in your brand, and if your store is blacklisted, it can reduce its email deliverability.

Securing Magento Through CloudCafe Technologies

Magento 2 provides support, updates, and patches that can help ensure security. However, the e-commerce store owner will be responsible for maintaining PCI Compliance for their customized applications.

This means the owner will need to:

  • Ensure the security of their coding and configuration.
  • Conduct regular vulnerability and threat scans.
  • Secure all third-party apps, integrations, extensions, and customizations.
  • Control all security patch applications.

Keep in mind that the more you customize your store, the trickier it will be to stay on top of updates and patches; however, updates and patches and essential to your security.

About Cloudcafe

At Cloudcafe, we offer ecommerce software development support and services. We can help you install and configure your SSL certificate for information security, implement a CDN for load performance, and integrate with or other credit card processors for increased safety.

In addition, we will provide your system with ongoing maintenance support, including installing new upgrades and security patches so that your system operates in an optimum and safe way.

If you are interested, visit us today at or call us at (847) 235-6443.

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